Tuesday, August 12, 2014

6 tips for boosting your personal productivity

1. Do not multitask. Instead, focus on a single task for an allotted amount of time.

2. If your job comes with constant interruptions that demand your attention, take several deep breaths and then prioritize them.

3. Resist the urge to answer the phone every time it rings unless it's your boss.

4. If someone asks you to drop what you're doing to help with a problem, it's OK to tell them, "I'll be finished with what I'm doing in 10 minutes, then I'm all yours."

5. When you "get stuck" in a task, change your physical environment to stimulate your senses. Get up, take a walk outside, and look at the flowers and the birds. Change what you're seeing. Or turn on some relaxing music that makes you feel happy.

6. Delegate. Have compassion for yourself and reach out for help.

Source: Dr. Romie Mushtaq

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