R. Buckminster Fuller ("Bucky") has probably the best definition of leverage that I've ever heard, and he defines it as this: "Ever more, with ever less".
Leverage is all about taking things beyond your physical, mental, monetary, and time limits, and being able to expand those exponentially.
For the purpose of this principle, we're going to be discussing leverage as it is related to bringing about success, but modern-day society most relates the principle of leverage to Archimedes who said, "give me a lever long enough, and prop strong enough, and I can move the world".
There are 3 main aspects to leverage, the leverage of time, the leverage of money, and the leverage of applied knowledge.
1. The Leverage Of Time
We spoke about this in "The Principle Of Time Consciousness", being aware of time, and that when you reach level 4 you are literally at your limit.
The leverage of time can set you free.
Essentially you are leveraging your time by utilizing other peoples' time to accomplish what you need to do. By employing people to work with you, hiring outsourcing agents, or out-tasking the grunt work to data entry workers across the world.
2. The Leverage Of Money
Investment circles and educators call this OPM—Other Peoples' Money, and say that it is the best way to invest. This isn't ALWAYS true, and particularly when we talk about online, because of the minimal barriers to entry ($9 for a domain, $30 for hosting and the rest can be done by you), you may not need to employ the leverage of money.
3. The Leverage of Applied Knowledge
Can you imagine if you had to learn everything for yourself? As in you couldn't read books, talk to people about their experiences, but had to actually learn for yourself and experience everything yourself? How long would it take for you to figure out what needed to be done and how to do it properly?
The idea is ludicrous, but there are also methods for speeding up your acquisition of knowledge, things like speed and photo-reading, having mentors, utilizing your available wasted time to listen to CDs/MP3s etc.
Now, you'll notice that I put 'applied' in front of knowledge.
Knowledge by itself is wasteful, it is the application of that knowledge that helps you to move forward.
Sometimes to apply knowledge though, you'll need several pieces, so you may learn one thing, and it may take 6 months, 3 years or more to actually put that knowledge into application, and for all the pieces to fall into place.
A simple method for getting around this however, is that you learn about what you need to learn about, when you need to learn it. If you are having cashflow problems in your business, learn how to bring more customers on or get your existing customers to spend more, don't read and learn about how to find the best deals on eBay.
This last paragraph should be setting alarm bells. The Leverage of Applied Knowledge with Focus can have powerful effects. It means you are doing that which needs to be done, with the knowledge to get it done correctly the first time around.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Leverage: The Power To Move Worlds by Daniel Turner & Marc Lindsay
Posted by Nelson Tan at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Applied Knowledge, Archimedes, Bucky, OPM, Other Peoples' Money, R. Buckminster Fuller
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Lost Art Of Pelmanism
I recently learned a new word and it's 'Pelmanism'. Not to sure if it's named after a person, but whoever he is, Joe Vitale seems to be very big fan of his. And this person is no longer in this world. Your first clue is this person apparently is one generation ahead of Napoleon Hill. Get the drift? He has written 12 volumes of long-lost information published in 1919 on the subjects of knowledge, senses, purpose, concentration, mental connection, imagination, originality, the pursuit of truth, personality and many more. If you are very much into self-development, we're sure you won't want to miss this one. Discover the Lost Art of Pelmanism.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Whatever it takes... by Daniel Turner & Marc Lindsay
Do you have what it takes to be successful? Would you do whatever it took to be successful?
I sincerely hope that you answered "no" to that question.
Because you need to do whatever it takes, but you need to do it with honesty, with integrity, and with compassion.
Otherwise, if you wanted to make money, go sell drugs, who cares right? This is what separates the people with ethics, and those without.
Someone who is willing to do whatever it takes without consideration of ethics or the effects that it has on other people, is in my opinion the lowest of low of the human race. If you are willing to tread on another human being, to get what you want, then it is my opinion that you need to rethink your perspectives on life.
So what exactly do I mean when I say "Whatever it takes"?
What I'm saying is that you do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, you don't wait, you don't delay, you don't make excuses, you take responsibility.
When opportunity arises you seize it with both hands and don't let go until you've driven it forward!
The best way to explain the principle, is actually to give you an analogy of a type of person.
When you picture in your mind someone from the Elite Special Forces, be it Navy Seals or S.A.S or whomever you choose, that attitude of 'I will make sure that my mission is successful no matter what' is what they embody, there is no quit, there is no fail, there is just do, and succeed.
The only additional to that analogy, is that you apply your ethics, morals, and honesty to it, you aren't in a war zone like they are, you are in life, you're life, and how you play it, dictates your end result.
I also need to give credit to someone here, because credit is definitely due, Brad Sugars was the guy that taught me this first, where he learned it from I don't know, but it is my belief, that it was from simple life, and business experience...the greatest teacher of all.
Go out there and do whatever it takes, with compassion, with honest, and with integrity.
Posted by Nelson Tan at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Brad Sugar, Elite Special Forces, Navy Seals, S.A.S
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Effective Communication: The Pathway To Strong Relationships by Daniel Turner & Marc Lindsay
If I could sum up my views on communication, it would be this: "Communication is the result you get."
What this means, is that if someone has totally understood your point, and can explain back to you what you just said in their own words, you've communicated effectively.
I'm sure you're familiar with this kind of scenario...
You've sat down to have a conversation with your wife/husband, friend, colleague, boss...whoever, and no matter how hard you try, what you are saying is just totally misconstrued and misunderstood by them.
Or is it?
You see, when you look at communication as "the result you get", which is the essence of this principle, what this principle does, is give you ownership over the interactions with other people in your life.
It eliminates the need to walk away from someone and say "they don't understand me!" and transforms it to an element of power, in the shape of "they aren't understanding what I'm saying, how can I explain it in a way that makes sense to them".
Instantly this gives you back the power you would have normally lost.
Now, am I saying that this is easy? No, effective communication is one of the hardest principles to follow, and has to be constantly worked at.
What it all boils down to, is think about it from the other person's perspective, and constantly be asking yourself the question "how can I say this in a way that they will understand".
Posted by Nelson Tan at 4:59 AM 1 comments
Labels: Daniel Turner, effective communication, Marc Lindsay
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Frozen By Fear!
"The Little Engine That Could" was a story that inspired many of us as children. The story tells of a small train that was faced with a steep climb up a very large hill. Halfway up the hill the little engine started to feel as though it was an impossible task. Fear set in.
"Will I make it?" the train wondered. "What if I don't? What if I run out of steam before I make it? What if I'm not equipped with a strong enough engine to handle this?"
The fear grew inside as his speed slowed with the climb. Soon he crawled to a stop. "I can't make it," he thought.
He was gripped with fear, paralyzed by it. Then things got even worse. He was now slipping backwards. His fear was now his reality. The top of the hill was out of his reach and he would never make it. As he slid backwards he yelled out, "I don't want to fail!"
Then something inside him changed. In truth he really did want to be on the top of the hill, not forever stuck at the bottom to live in its shadow. Fear was replaced with determination, drive, and a desire to make it to the top. With all he had in him he focused on summoning the power he needed to stop the backward slide.
And he did it! He was now holding his ground on the hill. His excitement deepened his determination. Up the hill he began moving, ever so slowly, pulling the weight of the entire train behind him. He looked up toward the top of the hill and held clear in his mind the vision of making it. He became even more determined and that made him feel stronger. His confidence grew and he picked up more speed. The train didn't feel so hard to pull now. He felt great strength within himself that he hadn't known before; strength he had never needed before now. As he neared the top of the hill he felt unstoppable. He knew he was going to make it!
He did it! The little ol' train made it to the top of the hill and congratulated himself. It felt great to be at the top. Filled with joy, confidence and a passion for life he looked down the tracks eager to continue his journey. He saw another hill—bigger than the last! A big smile came over his face; for he truly understood there is no end to the hills! This filled him with a deep sense of peace and humility. He then further realized that the journey and the destination are one and the same.
He wondered how was it that at the halfway point he felt so overcome with the task and yet it was in him to make it. He was strong enough. Could it have been that as his fears grew, his thoughts were consumed with the vision of not making it? Failure almost became his reality. It was when he changed his focus—alerted his perspective—that he felt powerful. In fact, it seemed the more he believed in himself the stronger he felt, and the easier the climb became. His new focus became his new reality!
He admired just how powerful his thoughts are and he never took them for granted again. He became aware of his thoughts and he used them to go places he always wanted to go!
Remember: You are the conductor of your own train on the tracks of life and you are strong enough to go places you want to go. Don't let a little hill stop you—choose the reality you wish to create, not the one you're afraid might occur. Soon enough you'll be able to say just like the little engine, "I know I can!"
Heather Walter is an Inner Balance Coach, Motivational Speaker and Writer based in Whitby, Ontario. She can be reached at heatherwalter@rogers.com.
Posted by Nelson Tan at 2:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Heather Walter, Ontario, The Little Engine That Could, Whitby
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Your 3-Minute Solution To Cope Your Depression
I'm not a therapist (or professional of any kind). I personally got this information from peak performance coach Tony Robbins, and now I’m passing on to you. What you’ll learn here is absolutely breakthrough information.
No one consciously says, "I'd rather be depressed than happy." But what do depressed people do? We think of depression as a mental state, but it has a very clear, identifiable physiology.
Right now you’re feeling whatever you are feeling right now is related first how you are using your body. Now, I’ll give you a more specific example. If I were to tell you that there is a depressed person behind the door over here, I wonder if you could describe that person physically without seeing him. I bet you could do it, couldn’t you?
What’s his posture like? It's not hard to visualize a person who is depressed. Depressed people often walk around with their eyes down. (They're accessing in a kinesthetic mode and/or talking to themselves about all the things that make them feel depressed.) They drop their shoulders. They take weak, shallow breaths. They do all the things that put their body in a depressed physiology. Are they deciding to be depressed? They sure are. Depression is a result, and it requires very specific body images to create it.
How come you know these things without seeing him? Because you practiced this before haven’t you? We all have experienced it. Now if you do these to your body, you are gonna feel lousy, you are gonna feel depressed. Now if you change the way you use your body, your shoulders are back, you breathe if you use your voice different way, if you move your body with a different temple.
It’s hard to feel depressed in that way. In fact there’s a research studied at the University of California, Berkeley, they tried something different without drugs. They did something sound so stupid. Here’s what they did. They came up with a simple approach that they took people that are clinically depressed, that means they have reached high level of depression. It’s like they get a certification saying that they are clinically depressed. They are achievers at the depression level. That means they practice the pattern of "being depressed" on a regular basis. They had these ‘patients’ come of 4 weeks, stand in front of a mirror and do one silly thing. They ask them to grin from ear to ear and they had made them smile for no good reason for 20 minutes 7 days a week. Now when they are doing it, they grin so big that they created a wrinkle on their side of the eyes. You know those sets of lines that when you smile so big? Interestingly, they kick their shoulders back while they are doing it and breathe fully. They go, “Dump idea!” But what happen is not a single person was able to remain depressed. What most interesting is, at the end of the 20 days, many of them had no need for medications and that’s all they change. What they did is just changing their physiology, the way how they use their body to express their emotion. That’s how powerful it is.
If you stand up straight, if you throw your shoulders back, if you breathe deeply from your chest, if you look upward—if you put yourself in a resourceful physiology, if you put a big smile on your face and say to yourself, "I love my life so much. God, it’s a beautiful day!" Think about the people who love you and care about you. Would you be grateful to them? If you are grateful, you can’t be fearful and hence, you can't be depressed. Try it yourself. Stand up tall, throw your shoulders back, breathe deeply, look up, move your body. See if you can feel depressed in that posture. You'll find that it's almost impossible. Instead, your brain is getting a message from your physiology to be alert and vital and resourceful. And that's what it becomes.
See if you rise up and use your body in a totally different way, you’re gonna feel different. Emotions are created by motions. We have 80 muscles in our face. How many of them are you using? Consciously, are you doing anything to your body so you feel different? Or do you do the same thing over and over so you feel the same thing like when you are feeling depressed? That’s just a few patterns that your body is doing in a regularly basis that you don’t even think about it. And whenever you do it, you are gonna feel it.
In summary, the solution to cure your depression is, not drugs, but:
1. to change the way you move and use your body.
2. to be grateful of what you have and thank those people who love you out loud.
3. to smile.
Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher and the creator of the Sleep Wiz, your surefire natural remedy to end insomnia forever and enjoy energizing sleep in as little as 3 days! He can show you how to fall asleep effortlessly, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by optimizing your sleep system! He dispels the “8-hour sleep myth”, tells you what most people never realize about sleep, and what the drug companies DONT WANT YOU to know.
Posted by Nelson Tan at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Berkeley, depression, insomnia, Kacper Postawski, mental state, physiology, Sleep Wiz, Tony Robbins, University of California
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Principle Of Time Consciousness by Daniel Turner & Marc Lindsay
I have often been called a time miser, someone that has such a high regard of time, I value it above almost all else.
This is very cliché, but it is also very true, that TIME is truly the only finite resource that we as human beings have.
Did you hear that? That was another 5 seconds passing, 5 seconds you'll never get back.
Does that mean that you only care about getting the job done in the shortest possible time? No absolutely not, you must enjoy the journey, enjoy the process, but it also means that you should question the work and activities that you do, who you spend time with, and what you choose to do.
There is actually in my opinion 4 levels of time, at least what I have discovered up until this point in my life journey.
When you are at level 1, you are merely existing, going through the motions, at some point your dreams died, and with them your drive to achieve them. Maybe they were crushed, maybe they were just thrown out as being "too hard" or "people like me can't do that", but the end result is that this is one of the saddest events in the world, and it takes a significant even to break someone out of this apathy.
Level 2 is when you are aware of time, but you are not time-conscious (sounds like a contradiction). It means that you 'know' that you need to be aware of time, but your actions dictate otherwise. You'll spend time in forums, surfing the web, and watching TV, basically wasting time doing activities that are not really going to help you.
Levels 1 and 2 are where the majority of the human race is at, either their dreams have been shattered, or they haven't figured it out, and by figured it out I mean embodied it, that their actions dictate their results.
Level 3 is where you are aware of time, and of being efficient, and are working towards working on purely efficient and effective activities. Those things that are going to be moving you towards your end result. You will probably spend minimal time doing activities that don't propel you forward, though you will feel you haven't yet reached your 'limit'.
Level 4 puts you into a challenging position. You have become aware of what I like to call true opportunity cost. Literally, if you spend time doing one activity, you lose the time to do the other activity, and you are forced to choose between the greater of 2 ideas or activities.
It's not just activities, but people too. This is a hard reality to face, and I hated facing it when I first came across it, but you literally cannot help everyone in the world. At this point, you'll start to question what you are doing, because you will be pushing your own boundaries on what you can accomplish, and if there is a Level 5, it isn't so much a new level, but application of both Level 4 time, and leverage.
This has been a pretty heavy lesson, and you may need to re-read it, but it's something you should apply. Look at every activity you do during the day (hint, keep a log or a journal), and ask yourself, is this worth my time?
Friday, September 7, 2007
The meaning of Discipline
The simplest way to explain Discipline, is "that which keeps you going, after the motivation to do the action, has disappeared".
Discipline is what keeps you moving, what keeps you pursuing your dream when all else seems to have failed and no matter how much you try, that 'spark' just doesn't seem to kick.
It's what keeps you moving forward following your goals and action steps to achieve your end result.
Discipline is probably one of the hardest things to not only establish in a human being, but more importantly to ingrain into the very fiber of their being.
Why you ask? Because discipline is not just a part of one aspect of your life, it is a part of all, from the smallest of tasks and choices, to the largest and greatest.
Do you eat some fruit? Or do you eat some chocolate? Do you call that client? Or do you clean your desk?
Everyone, and I mean everyone, has aspects of what they do that they absolutely hate, and not even hate a little bit, but sometimes hate with a passion, and will put off until the very last minute. Sometimes it's their tax or book keeping, it might be making sales calls or something as simple as answering emails.
But it is usually these things that are key to keeping your business/success on track, and without them you'll soon find yourself floundering.
It's the people that just 'press on' and 'do it anyway' that move towards what they are wanting to achieve.
Remember though, every choice or action you take, requires some form of discipline, do you take the easy road or the hard road? Do you do that which you want to do, or that which you need to do? Every act of discipline builds upon the next, so whenever you make the right choice, no matter how small, when it comes to making the next right one, it'll be easier.
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." - Jim Rohn
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The 3 Most Powerful Ways to Get Yourself to Achieve ANYTHING Despite Pressure, Deadlines and Procrastination.
How free and energized would you feel if you had the power to motivate yourself to do ANYTHING, stop procrastinating, and achieve all your goals in record time?
Have you ever had a concrete plan to succeed at something, but for some “inner” reason what you planned to do never got done? We all have plans and huge dreams when we’re young, but very few people ever get past the point of taking ACTION on those dreams? Is it because people are lazy? Or is there an inner science to achievement?
My mission is to deliver you cutting edge information to help you super-charge your life, and for today I’d like to deliver to you 3 of the most powerful and impacting ways to conquer self-sabotage and get you to where you want to be in your life at lightening speed. I have personally used these tools in my life and the results have been mind-blowing. Here we go!
What Is Success?
People have many different definitions for success and failure. I’d like to give you my own definition before we move on.
Success happens whenever you decide to do something and you DO IT. Or whenever you decide to NOT DO something and you DON’T do it.
It sounds simple, but 99% of people can’t even do just that! Sure, everyone talks a lot about doing things, but hardly many people actually take action on what their supposedly high priority goals and dreams are. I know I’ve been in the same place!
One of the most important concepts I’ve learned in my life is that 90% of Success is taking ACTION on the goal you have. 10% is the mechanics, knowledge, or resources you need to succeed. Whatever you want in your life, you have the power to acquire the knowledge, to get the mechanics or resources you need, it’s taking action on that goal that is the biggest obstacle on the road to success in most people.
If anyone can succeed, and all it takes is ACTION, why doesn’t everyone take action to achieve their goals everyday?
Power Method 1: Pain and Pleasure
If you learn nothing else this year but this concept, your whole life will change. The person who has popularized this concept and changed thousands of lives with it most is Anthony Robbins.
The human mind is consciously and subconsciously motivated by two basic forces:
1. The need to AVOID PAIN
2. The need to GAIN PLEASURE.
If you think about it, every single action you take in your life is driven by the need to avoid pain, and the need to gain pleasure. The need to avoid pain is always STRONGER than the need to gain pleasure.
For example: If you have $10,000 and you have two options:
Choice A: Go for a 4 day trip to Hawaii.
Choice B: Pay $10,000 to remove a tumor from your brain.
Allow me to give you a powerful example of how to instantly apply this into your life to start creating results TODAY. Here’s a personal example of how I used this concept to create the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing Program system.
I had been planning to finally write an e-book about my research in sleep for about a month, but I kept on putting it off, why? Frustrated with a lot of things in my life, I decided to give this Pain & Pleasure concept a Try. I drew a PAIN and PLEASURE graph like the one below of my current situation, and then drew one of the outcomes I wanted.
Pain 1. Writing the book would take too much time…I don’t have time. 2. It would be super stressful, I would have to stay up at night and do even more research on how to create and write this so it’s perfect. 3. What if I write it and no one will read or buy it? It will be a waste of time. | Pleasure 1. When the book is finished I could help a lot of people with the information and improve other’s lives. 2. When the book is finished, I’ll have extra money coming in. |
As you can see, my need to AVOID PAIN was pushing me in the direction not taking any action. It’s also known as “procrastination”. The only difference between people who procrastinate and people who succeed with taking action, is the associations of PAIN and PLEASURE they have with doing something. I look at my pain and pleasure sheet, and thought of how I could focus my associations to push me into taking action instantly.
Here was my new sheet.
Pain 1. If I don’t write the book I will feel like a total failure for the rest of my life and go on living a boring life. 2. If I don’t write the book I will never help anyone as no-one will read this powerful information. 3. If I don’t write this book I will go on working in under paid jobs and never be financially free for the rest of my life. 4. If I don’t write this book I will be just another mouth to feed in the world, and won’t contribute to society in any way shape or form. | Pleasure 1. When the book is finished I will contribute to other people’s lives and get e-mails from them everyday about how much of a difference the information has made in their lives. That will feel very rewarding. 2. When the book is finished, I can become dedicated to creating life-long relationships to the people that buy it, by sending them a lot more powerful information to help them transform their lives. 3. When the book is finished, I will be completely financially |
I created immense pain around NOT DOING the tasks, I clearly wrote out and visualized how this would look and feel. The pain of NOT WRITING the book was now greater than the one of writing it. My values of contributing to the world and creating something special were now at stake. To further hammer the nail in, I clearly described the immense pleasure visually, emotionally, and kinesthetically of how it will feel when the task is done. With all the arrows in my mind pulling me away from pain and into pleasure, I was on my way that very same minute.
You’re reading this article now as a result of that PAIN & PLEASURE sheet I wrote down! This concept is so powerful, I urge you to do it as soon as you’re done reading this article.
Take at least one action you’ve been putting off in your life, whether it is a goal to lose weight, to create more money, or improve a relationship. Take that action, create a pain and pleasure sheet like the one above and see how rapidly motivated you will be to achieve that goal.
Here’s another example of someone trying to lose weight.
Power Method 2: Chunking
The second reason why people don’t take action on what they want to achieve TOO BIG inside of their head. Often a simple goal like going to the gym to work out becomes a number of PAINFUL things:
1. I have to go get the keys to my car.
2. I have to put my work out clothes on, and iron them because they’re all wrinkly.
3. I gotta go to my car and drive there through traffic.
4. Once I get there they’ll make me sign up for a membership.
5. Once I am signed up they’ll give me a 2-hour tour of the place and try to upsell me even more membership options which I don’t want!
6. Then I gotta work out for an hour, and I’ll get all sweaty.
7. I have to drive home with all that sweat on me.
8. Once I’m home I’ll have to shower, and by then I’ll have no time to do anything else!
“Forget it! I’m watching TV! Going to the gym is too complicated and too painful”
Chunking, and the Rule of 3s
Our conscious mind can usually hold only a number of things to do at once. Whenever there is more things to do than the conscious mind can handle, we feel overwhelmed and stop everything completely. What I realized after a while is that nothing is really as big as we make it out to be. We just have a habit to make things bigger than they are.
The above gym example could be brought down to three simple steps:
1. Go to the gym
2. Work out
3. Feel great and energized!
Whenever you find yourself feeling blocked or procrastinating, think of the way you are chunking down the goal into steps? Are you thinking of ALL the things you have to do, and how PAINFUL they will be? If you are, chunk them down into 3 steps. As you focus on these steps, you’ll find you’ll feel much more balanced and relaxed about the goal!
Power Method 3: State Management
“I’m not in the mood today, I’ll do it tomorrow.”
“I really don’t FEEL like doing that right now.”
Have you ever heard someone say these things? Perhaps you say them to yourself on a regular basis? The bottom line is that if you wait around to feel in the right mood or emotional state to do something, it’s most likely never going to happen.
99% of people in the world have no control over how the feel. They either wake up happy, or they don’t. They have a “bad day” or a “good day.” To these kinds of people it seems that the way we feel is some kind of mystical enigmatic force that we have no control over.
Part of success is being able take ACTION despite FEAR, PAIN, and UNCOMFORT. Taking action even when you’re not in the friggen moooooooooooooooooood (*whinny voice*).
Instead of waiting for an emotional state to come to you, use state management methods to create the emotional state you need to achieve your goals.
Super-Charging Your Emotional State
Your emotions are dependant on 2 primary factors:
1) What you focus on
2) What you do with your body
1. Changing Your Focus
Example: Jill’s goal is to lose 50 lbs, after a week of working out 3 times per week and changing her eating habits, she steps on the scale and notices that she only lost 1 lb. Feeling like she isn’t moving towards her goal fast enough, she instantly begins to feel disappointed and discouraged about continuing her quest to lose weight.
“Don’t let the present moment determine your outcome!”
One of the biggest secrets of success I’ve learned over time is that the current moment has nothing to do with your outcome! Often we get caught up with a depressing situation, we focus on it to the point where the emotions get strong enough to stop us.
At this point, instead of focusing on what seems like a failure to Jill, she could change her focus to the actual OUTCOME she wants. Which is feeling great, sexy and attractive. Feeling free and healthy. As you change your focus in critical times that would usually stop you emotionally, you create incredible power to move despite discomfort!
2. Using Your Body to Create Energy!
In the Sleep Wiz Revitalizing Program system I write about using this method at specific times of your day to optimize your inner sleep system to lessen your sleep and create an abundance of energy in your life.
Changing your focus is just “positive thinking”, until you add this method into your state management arsenal.
The fastest and easiest way to create an emotional state shift in your mind, and to give your body the energy it needs to propel you to your goals, is to make a drastic change in what you’re doing with your body.
You’ve got to move fast, you’ve got to get your heart rate going, and you’ve got to make it impactful!
Example: Often times when I’m faced with several writing deadlines for books, articles and interviews, I spend a lot of time sitting at my desk thinking. Getting work done on the computer is great, but there’s only one challenge: My body isn’t doing anything!
It gets to the point where my emotional drive begins to drop. At this point, instead of stopping my work an taking “a break” like most people do, I run into the back-yard, and jump for 10 minutes on my trampoline while thinking of all the things I want for my life and the lives of the people I affect with my work! By the time I get back in front of my laptop, I am supercharged with energy, ideas, creativity, and emotional drive!
What ways can you think of to create more energy and a better emotional state at key points during your day?
Because your emotional state is so critically important to achieving your goals, and the overall quality of your life, I urge to start using this technique in your life. Changing what you’re doing with your body doesn’t have to be as drastic as jumping on a trampoline whenever you’re in a down state. It could be as simple as getting up and clapping your hands for a minute while visualizing your goal. It can be going outside for a breath of air or a short jog, a stretch, or even just putting on a smile.
When you combine all three of these methods: Leveraging your pain and pleasure associations, chunking down your processes, and managing your emotional state, you’ll find that you become unstoppable in your journey to success.
“Dreams and goals are only vapor until you take action on them.” – Mark Joyner, Internet Marketing Millionaire
Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher and the creator of the Sleep Wiz, your surefire natural remedy to end insomnia forever and enjoy energizing sleep in as little as 3 days! He can show you how to fall asleep effortlessly, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by optimizing your sleep system! He dispels the “8-hour sleep myth”, tells you what most people never realize about sleep, and what the drug companies DONT WANT YOU to know.
Posted by Nelson Tan at 3:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: Anthony Robbins, chunking, insomnia, internet marketing, Kacper Postawski, mark joyner, natural remedy, pain and pleasure, Sleep Wiz, state management
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Are you using the Curly Principle?
"Any time I have seen someone accomplishing something magnificent, they have been a monomaniac with a mission. A single-minded individual with a passion." - Peter Drucker
You may recall the movie "City Slickers" from a while back starring Billy Crystal and Jack Palance. In it, we observed the story of a man (Crystal) who because of a midlife crisis decides to go out with some buddies and rustle cattle for a week.
Curly (Palance), the trail boss to whom they report, really seems to have his head together, and Crystal's character keeps asking him what the secret is. Curly's only reply is to hold up his index finger and say, "One thing."
Finally in frustration, Crystal asks, "Well, what is that one thing?" To which Curly replies, "That's what YOU have to figure out...No one can do it for you."
This "Curly Principle" teaches us the same lesson that the renowned management consultant Peter Drucker has observed in highly successful people: Monomania.
In other words, a single-minded focus and passion for that "one thing". Jesus taught us in Luke 11:34, "When thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light."
What are you singularly focused on?
Frequently, I meet individuals who want to have their dreams and yet aren't willing to give up anything to achieve them. This is self-deception. Choosing to become great in any area means choosing to not be great in another area. There will always be a price to pay. There will always be a sacrifice.
You can only ride one horse really well at any one time. Yes, you may be able to ride two, but nowhere NEAR as well as you can ride one. Nowhere near as agile, responsive or quick. Understand the difference?
"The secret to success in life is making your vocation your vacation." - Mark Twain
Several years ago, I was in LA with some good friends attending an Elton John concert. I was asked what seems to be a frequent question among acquaintances, "What do you do for fun and recreation?"
This is always a difficult question for me to answer, because I know there's an unspoken expectation that I come up with a whole list of activities I'm involved in.
Bottom line...I am a monomaniac (and not in the clinical sense of the word either). My work is my passion as well as my "re-creation" (notice the true meaning of the word). When asked the question, "How is work?" I can honestly answer, "Work is play."
I absolutely love what I do, and if you can say that too, then that goes a long way towards creating Harmonic Wealth®. I can think of nothing more fulfilling and re-creating than to meditate, study, read, learn, write, create, help and coach others, talk with you and share insights.
Yes, I do hike, workout, ski from time to time, go to movies and I even played golf poorly once. But these are not the things that make life meaningful for me. Many see their work as a "means to an end" but for the monomaniac, their work is an end unto itself. Not just a job...a meaningful, passionate mission.
Your work is your passion and your love made manifest through action.
Is this the right approach for you? I'm not qualified to answer that question. What I am qualified to do is to check my own observations and experiences and agree with Drucker and Curly.
To accomplish anything of consequence, anything magnificent and great, you must be willing to literally trade your life for it. To be so passionately focused and committed that nothing will divert you. Nothing and no one can stop you.
My wish is that you find that "one thing" in your life: Your white-hot passion that brings you tremendous meaning and purpose.
To your continued wealth and happiness,
James Arthur Ray
James Ray International
Posted by Nelson Tan at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Labels: Billy Crystal, City Slickers, Jack Palance, James Ray International, Mark Twain, Peter Drucker