I know this is a US-centric holiday and I even had to do a Google search to find out which day it actually falls on. Sounds kinda ignorant of me, like “which day should I start giving thanks huh?”
I suppose Thanksgiving should not be a day, but an everyday attitude of gratitude. The self-development coaches and trainers may say we give thanks for every little thing that sustains our lives (and dreams and hopes), but most did not explicitly say to give thanks for what purpose. “They tell me to give thanks to God. I give thanks. Now what?” I actually once found myself questioning this.
Well, here is my personal answer/opinion: We give thanks so as not to take further risk.
Whatever things that come blessed unto us, they are results arising from our actions and productivity. We can give thanks by remaining consistent and congruent with how we do routines while finding ways to IMPROVE upon them (like stepping stones), not always finding NEW ways to do things as if starting from scratch. A person can only have so many starting points in life, so say a speaker. If we missed that one crucial starting or turning point, you’re going to wait quite a while for another milestone. By then we have grown older and may be perceived as a “late bloomer”. But by remaining consistent, you’re solidifying your position to usher the next foreseeable milestone closer to your destiny.
Blessings almost always come by God THROUGH the people around us, who give us chances and opportunities for expansion. So they are the ones who can see whether we are consistent or not.
So next time, if you don’t know who or what to give thanks to, at least give thanks to yourself as a reminder not to take any more unnecessary risk, and remain focused on building up that very first foundation you so aspired to. Do you still remember what it was?
Thank YOU for being an MOY follower.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving thanks with a purpose.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hang In There by Gerry Robert
"Don't sweat the small stuff. Remember, it's all small stuff."
Life can be tough on a person. It can be tough on a family. So many people lack the mental ability to hang in there in the tough times. You can control your thoughts. You can practice perspective by changing the way you interpret your circumstances, situations, and environments. "The task is not to see a new world but to see the world with new eyes." The person who can change the way they view their world will win without fail.
John Milton said, "The mind in itself, in its own place, can make a hell out of heaven and heaven out of hell." You will experience in life the results of the dominant thoughts within your mind.
Don't believe it? Let me tell you a story.
A stranger chanced upon several workers in a small town in Italy. Curious and interested, he began to inquire from the workers as to what they were doing. "I'm laying bricks", said the first worker. After a few minutes of idle chat, he asked of another, "What are you doing? Laying bricks, eh?" The other worker, somewhat indignantly responded, with shoulders straight and firmness of voice, "Laying bricks? No, sir. I am building a cathedral." Both workers were working on the same job. One saw his tasks as laying brick upon brick upon brick, while the other one saw a work being offered to the Glory of God.
Two people, two perspectives! Why is it that some salespeople choose to see the worst in a situation while others choose to see the best in the same situation? Why do some people constantly see what's gone wrong while others look for what's right? Which one do you think will succeed further on this great journey we're on?
Everyone has obstacles. Everyone needs perspective in the face of those challenges. Your response to dealing with the storms of life will dictate the results you achieve. What follows are practical solutions to dealing with those times in life when everything seems to be going the opposite to your preferences.
Challenges of life will come. The only place on earth that we know of where there are no problems is a cemetery. Everywhere else will be hit by the storms of life. If you remember that there is something to learn in every problem, then you can learn to grow by the storms rather than being crushed by them.
W. Mitchell said, "It's not what happens to us that counts, it's what happens in us." He was right and he should know. His story of courage (he was seriously burned and later survived a plane crash that left him paralyzed) is an inspiration of someone who has sought to become better through adversity. Mitchell is probably one of the most 'up' people on the planet, largely due to the lessons he learned about life and how to live it while recuperating from his injuries.
Take a good look at the obstacles in your path. Instead of cursing them and wishing them away, ask yourself what you can learn from your situation. How can you become a better person through your obstacles? Someone once said that we go on experiencing life's lessons until we learn what we need to learn, and then we can move on. Remember, above every stormy cloud is a bright sun which never fades.
There is something to learn in every adversity!
Hang In There And Find the Gem
There are two sides to every coin. The Chinese call this the Yin/Yang principle. Every negative has a positive opposite. You just have to look for it. One person's disaster will become the vehicle for another person to become wealthy. See your challenges in life as blessings in disguise and try to uncover the hidden opportunities.
During the Great Depression, not everyone went belly-up. Some people actually became rich. When you see a problem, you also need to see an opportunity. One of the fastest ways to become wealthy is to solve someone's problems or difficulties.
Many successful businesses today have been born out of someone's problem. Take the man who took surplus sawdust from the lumber mills free of charge and formulated several wood-burning products from it. He saw that lumber yards had a problem with excess sawdust. They didn't know what to do with it. He acted and began a wonderful business.
"If it's going to be... It's up to me."
Hang In There And Be Patient
Every problem will go away. Either it will change or you will. No problem is permanent. It can't be permanent because everything is in a constant state of flux; everything changes. Worry is useless. Instead, of being ready to give in, just remember that every problem has a limited lifespan. Things will get better. Seek to grow.
"Tough times never last, but tough people do." - Robert Schuller
How about Communism? Or the Berlin Wall? Who could have guessed that within days, the entire Berlin Wall could be demolished? Within weeks, Communism would crumble. A problem which many people feared would plague the earth for centuries disappeared in a flash.
Look at your problem and ask, "Will this matter in five years from now?" "What about next year?"
"Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere."
Hang In There And Think
Problems are not the problem. Ideas are the problem. Every single problem, challenge, or storm you face today has as its solution an idea waiting to be used. If you could only understand that the only thing standing between your current problem and the wiping away of it is nothing but an idea.
So get your eyes off your problems and onto the solution. You may not be able to do anything about what has happened, but you surely can and should do something about finding a solution. That solution may seem like a fantasy right now, but keep in mind that the airplane was nothing but a fantasy until two brothers started searching for ideas to solve their fantasy. Fantasies can become facts.
It was Christmas Eve. The large country church was filling up. The air was worshipful and festive. Families came from far and wide to enjoy the majestic organ playing the beautiful carol of the holidays. But suddenly a problem arose.
The service was about to begin when the organist discovered that a church mouse had chewed through the inner workings of the massive air chamber. With only minutes to spare, the organist quickly composed a replacement carol which he played on his old acoustic guitar.
The cords were simple and the melody sweet. That evening was the first time the world had ever heard the famous carol Silent Night. By focusing on the solution instead of the problem, the end result was spectacular.
Hang In There And Be Grateful
"The man with no shoes grumbled in the street, until he met the man with no feet."
You're not alone. Even the most together people have storms to face. In fact, the people who are winning the most in life often have the biggest challenges in front of them. The people who win the most in life are often the biggest risk-takers.
Since you're not alone, why not align yourself with others who may be facing what you are facing? You could perhaps solve your problems together.
Upon returning from an extended international business trip, I had an overwhelming amount of urgent telephone messages to respond to. Most of the calls were from successful business contacts or partners who were waiting upon my direction for projects we were working on at the time. It was the last thing I wanted to deal with; I was tired and just wanted to relax, but I had to.
I quickly put things into perspective when I realized that this is a problem I would have given anything to have only a few years ago. I was successful and people wanted to work with me. My point is that the more successful we become, the greater the challenge. Never forget that the greater the obstacle, the greater the opportunity.
Gerry Robert is a bestselling author of "The Millionaire Mindset" and a seminar speaker.
Posted by
Nelson Tan
8:45 PM
Labels: gerry robert, Robert Schuller, The Millionaire Mindset

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Making Impromptu Talks
Time comes when we are asked to speak without any warning: we could be asked for our opinion at a meeting or we have to deliver a toast at a wedding. Impromptu speeches for most of us are harder to make than prepared oral presentations. We are forced to think on our feet and have no time to prepare. Here is how we can make these experiences more positive:
1. Condition yourself mentally to speak impromptu on all occasions.
If you're in a meeting keep asking yourself what you would say if you were called upon at that specific moment.
2. Get into an example immediately.
There are three reasons for this. 1) You will free yourself at once of the necessity to think hard about your next sentence, for experiences are easily recounted even in impromptu situations. 2) You will enlist in the audience's attention right away. 3) You will give yourself an opportunity to warm up to the subject.
3. Speak with animation and force.
Your body and mind are interconnected, so if you speak with energy, your external animation will have a beneficial effect upon your mental processes. It also projects enthusiasm to the listeners, which makes your speech a lot more interesting.
4. Don't talk impromptu; give an impromptu talk.
It is not enough just to ramble on and string together a number of unconnected events. You must keep your ideas logically grouped around a central thought, which is the point that you're trying to get across. Your examples should support the central idea.
Contributed by Dale Carnegie Training.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Coaching To Become A Better Manager
There's little room for followers in today's fast-paced world. Whatever your role, you're responsible for getting something done. And the way to meet that goal is to be a good coach. A manager can tell people what to do, when to do it, and how to do it but only a good coach can motivate them to give the job their full attention. While others may point out problems, a coach is there to help solve them. Many in leadership positions will hold a carrot out for people to go after. But a coach will motivate the individual to want to achieve the highest performance possible. Below are some guidelines to help you be a better leader by coaching your employees:
1. Listen.
Conduct an "innerview." Get to know the individual better. Discuss the family situation, the high points and low points in their lives. Find out how they survived low points
2. Ask insightful questions.
Whenever your employees complete an assignment, ask them three things they felt were accomplished effectively in the project and find out which one area that could be improved. If they were on target with the area that needed improvement, praise them for the good work.
3. Don't avoid the negative.
An effective team considers every member's input and ideas. Although it is sometimes easier to dismiss negative or contradicting feedback and comments, take into account that the team members who are in the most disagreement, can also be a strong advocate of the solution and can provide valuable insight from a different perspective.
4. Don't pretend you're perfect.
It is important to realize that there are times you need to criticize as a leader. Criticism need not always have a negative connotation to it. You can build rapport. Try relating similar issues you faced and talk about how you resolved them. Focus on the behavior or action, not the individual. Reassure the employee that he or she isn't a bad person.
5. Build self-esteem.
What we are actually and frequently coaching most of the time is really fear and self-confidence. Recognize the employee's achievement. Or encourage people by telling them how valuable their work is.
6. Believe in what you do.
Coaching is hard work. It's rarely given the limelight. Yet, by being a strong coach, you can move your team to work wonders while giving individuals the sense of accomplishment they need.
Contributed by Dale Carnegie Training.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
How To Win Respect For Your Ideas
1. Try to see things from the other person's point of view.
Your colleagues may be comparing your ideas to theirs. Try to see your proposal from their perspectives. Imagine the questions that your co-workers may have, and how you would answer them.
2. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
Understand that your colleagues can be just as enthusiastic regarding their work as much as yourself. Being receptive to their opinions can bring on a new perspective you haven't considered, and will assist your colleagues in keeping an open mind to your ideas once they realize you are sincerely interested in theirs. Perhaps you can even incorporate each other's suggestions into your project.
3. Show respect for the other person's opinion.
Never say, "You're wrong." Your colleagues have their own views and ideas and want to be heard as much as you do. While their views may differ from your own, that doesn't necessarily make them incorrect or useless. Negative comments will create defensive walls, create arguments, and essentially cause others to tune out. Be attentive to what your colleagues are saying, and sincerely consider their proposals.
4. Dramatize your ideas.
Be enthusiastic about the work you've done and back up your work with facts and examples. Your colleagues will appreciate your well-thought plan and your enthusiasm, and give it the credibility it deserves.
By incorporating these techniques in your next meeting, you will begin to gain respect from your colleagues for your suggestions and learn to become a better listener as well.
Contributed by Dale Carnegie Training.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Change Your Life by Gerry Robert
Most people lack direction in their lives. They don't give any time to considering what they really want out of life. They accept what is sent their way. They accept their results as a fact of life. What if things could be different? They can!
Ask any poor senior citizen if they wrote out clear, measurable goals for their lives when they were younger. You can imagine what the answer will be. Now, for contrast, ask a person who reaches the golden years without any financial worries. People who reach this period of life financially fit have probably developed and stuck with a plan which included goal setting.
We can do so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We have an incredible, unlimited resource available to us. It would shock the average person if they knew just how much they could achieve in life if they but tried, if they used what they had available. Because most people do not understand how much potential they have, they limit their aspirations to the level at which they know they can presently achieve.
It is well known that a sudden fright or danger will release every particle of energy to perform incredible feats of strength. A number of years ago, a Los Angeles newspaper published an amazing story of a woman named Francis Avita. She was a frail 100-pound woman who lifted an automobile, the portion of which weighed over 900 pounds, off the head of her brother, and saved his life. Lifting that automobile would have been an incredible feat for even a rugged 200-pound football player, but she summoned up superhuman strength upon the command of her mind.
If you could have anything you wanted in life, what would it be? If you could do anything you wanted, or be whatever you wanted, what would you choose?
Understand this, you can have, do, or be, anything you want.
A colleague, Dr. Lee Pulos, a clinical psychologist and leading authority in the area of the mind, reports that in order for change to occur, there are three basic elements that must be present: Desire, Expectation, and Imagination. Let's look at these elements.
1. Desire
You must want something to change. Desire is the unexpressed possibility of an idea wishing to be expressed. Don't limit your desires to what you think you can have. You must give yourself a chance to dream and to risk.
When an Egyptian shepherd boy was given charge of a flock of sheep, he was told, "The pool on the other side of the hill is for emergency only. Its water is limited, so don't use it unless other sources dry up." An extremely hot spell brought on the emergency, so the boy led his flock to the pool. Although the sheep drank from the pool all day long, the water maintained its original level.
The shepherd investigated the strange situation and made a curious discovery: the pool was fed by an underground stream. As the water was removed from the top of the pool, the underground pressure was activated into streaming upward. In other words, the pool had a constant and limitless source of supply.
A man's desire or mental powers are also limitless. "Then why," comes the logical question, "do the majority of men and women lead such limited lives?" The answer can also be found in the story of the pool: the majority of men and women never really investigate their potentialities.
They wrongly assume that what they presently do is all that they can ever do. They falsely believe that tomorrow must be as unsuccessful as today. So, they sadly accept self-limitation. And as long as people accept limitation, they will not be motivated to discover the great opportunities that lie ahead of them.
Desire is the missing element to open the door to their wealth.
2. Expectation
You must know and expect that what you are doing will work with repetition. Never desire something you don't expect and never expect something you don't desire. A young man who experienced great misfortune confessed that he bought an astrology magazine that morning. It said that there was great danger of an automobile accident, and to be very careful.
The young man said that he was charged with fear, and shook all over when he read it. He didn't want to drive that day, but he had to go to an important audition and the only way to go was by car. He had three accidents that day, injuring one man seriously. He was suffering from shock himself, and also received some contusions and lacerations. His car was badly damaged.
"What I greatly fear has come upon me," Job said in the Bible. His great fear brought on these accidents. He planted seeds of fear in his mind, and harvested the results in his life.
Robert Schuller once asked, "What great thing would you attempt if you knew that you couldn't fail?"
3. Imagination
Create mental movies of your desired goal. It's just as easy to dream for a supermarket as it is for a loaf of bread. Your goals may centre on physical, mental, monetary, or personal growth. You can work with many different goals simultaneously, but you must work through a series of steps in programming each goal for successful attainment.
A number of years ago, in a European nation, an extraordinary event occurred. Scientists were given permission to experiment on a criminal who was sentenced to death.
The criminal was informed that he was to bleed to death. He was placed on a table, with his eyes blindfolded. A small incision was made on his arm, but not deep enough to actually allow blood to flow. A small stream of warm running water was allowed to trickle down his arm into a basin, which he felt and heard distinctly.
The scientists began making remarks on the progress of the bleeding and his growing weakness. They commented on how the man was now approaching death. The man died in a short time, and suffered all the symptoms of a person who had bled to death. His subconscious mind actually created a reality based on false information from his imagination.
Gerry Robert is a bestselling author of "The Millionaire Mindset" and a seminar speaker.